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2016-11-01 06:30  

Lecture 1 An Introduction of Interpretation.ppt

Lecture 2 University Information.ppt

Lecture 3 The Art of Eating Well.ppt

Lecture 4 THe Romantic Champagne.ppt

Lecture 5 Traditional Holidays.ppt

Lecture 6 The Purpose of Education.ppt

Lecture 7 The Road to a Prosperous City.ppt

Lecture 8 Family Resposibility.ppt

Lecture 9 The New Beginning of an Old Story.ppt

Lecture 10 A Storyteller.ppt

Lecture 11 Environmental Protection.ppt

Lecture 12 Meeting the Challenge.ppt

Lecture 13 Communication Patterns.ppt

Lecture 14 A Stock Market.ppt

Lecture 15 Cultural Clashes.ppt


附件【Lecture 5 Traditional Holidays.ppt已下载
附件【Lecture 12 Meeting the Challenge.ppt已下载
附件【Lecture 15 Cultural Clashes.ppt已下载
附件【Lecture 14 A Stock Market.ppt已下载
附件【Lecture 13 Communication Patterns.ppt已下载
附件【Lecture 11 Environmental Protection.ppt已下载
附件【Lecture 10 A Storyteller.ppt已下载
附件【Lecture 9 The New Beginning of an Old Story.ppt已下载
附件【Lecture 8 Family Resposibility.ppt已下载
附件【Lecture 7 The Road to a Prosperous City.ppt已下载
附件【Lecture 6 The Purpose of Education.ppt已下载
附件【Lecture 4 THe Romantic Champagne.ppt已下载
附件【Lecture 3 The Art of Eating Well.ppt已下载
附件【Lecture 2 University Information.ppt已下载
附件【Lecture 1 An Introduction of Interpretation.ppt已下载
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