平时成绩:100分折合为总成绩的30% 100分=100分+0分
Unit1: Ageneral introduction to interpretation and Exercise
1.Grasp thegeneral information about interpreting figure, idiom and skills of note-taking.
2.Work ona piece of exercise.
二、学时安排(2 hours)
1.Theory explanation: 1 hour
2.Exercise:1 hour
I. Introduce the assessment: the assessmentcan be divided into two parts:
1. Daily test: Weare going to have a test at the beginning of each class in the oral or writtenform. And I am going to take 10 time- results as the 30% the final.
2. Finalexamination:
1) English toChinese, 5 sentences.
2) English toChinese, one paragraph.
3) Chinese toEnglish, 5 sentences.
4)Chinese to English, one paragraph.
II. Introduce the coverage: seethe textbook.
III. Practice:
A.Note-takingis a basic skill that is of utmost importance to aspirant(上进的) interpreters and deserves our foremostattention.
B.Figureinterpreting constitutes a highly difficult problem to beginners.
C.BothChinese and English are particularly rich in idioms.
IV. Homework: A preview of Unit 7—1
Unit7—1: University Information
1. Grasp the usage of expressions
1.Appreciateinterpreting skills
2.Work on apiece of exercise
二、学时安排(2 hours)
1. Text A: 1 hour
2.Exercise: 1hour
I. Training skill
II. Language illustration
G1: 记者:Levin博士,在您的学生时代,您取得了不同学校的学位:斯坦福大学历史系学士学位、牛津大学政治与哲学硕士学位和耶鲁大学经济学博士学位。您真是幸运,能相继在这三所世界级的大学里求学。 Levin: well, I had marvelous experiences at all three as a student. They are difficult to compare, because the culture on each campus is quite distinctive. |
记者:Dr. Levin, you obtained your degrees in different universities. Actually, you received a Bachelor of Arts in history from Stanford, an MA in politics and philosophy from Oxford and a PhD in economics from Yale. You are lucky to experience three world-class universities. Levin:我在学生时代确实有不平常的经历。我很难对三所学校进行比较,因为每个学校都有着独特的文化。 |
G2: 记者:这正是我所感兴趣的地方。你能分别介绍一下这三所世界闻名的大学吗?从您现任校长的耶鲁大学谈起吧。 Levin: Ok, so let me try to characterize them. Yale has this vibrant engagement that I talked about. Students are deeply involved in their study and in something else, you know, in politics, or humanity service, or a dramatic performing group, or athletics. It’s very vital sense of community. People are participators; they belong to an organization; they are interested in their leadership. That’s very much the culture of Yale inside. |
记者:That is exactly what I am interested in. Could you introduce these three world-renowned universities? Why not start with Yale? You are its President. Levin: 好的,我会试着描述这几所学校的。耶鲁大学的活动丰富多彩,我刚才也讲过。耶鲁的学生不仅致力于他们的学习,而且积极参加各项政治、社会服务、戏剧和体育运动的活动。这是一种非常重要的社区意识。他们是有组织的,是社会的参与者,他们对领导能力的培养也很感兴趣。这差不多就是耶鲁的内在文化了。 |
G3: 记者:那么斯坦福和牛津各自展示给您的有时怎样的文化氛围呢?两者有共同点吗? Culture in Stanford is more individualistic. Students at Stanford have lots of freedom to choose any way of life. Now oxford is different still, although I might say I don’t have as much as a sense of the culture of oxford today, so I am really speaking about what it was 35 years ago when I was there. In those days, oxford was seen as the ivory ['aɪv(ə)rɪ] 乳白色tower that was more isolated and withdrawn from the world, a place for serious academic study. So it was a marvelous place, because of the pure life of the mind. |
记者:What have the cultures of Stanford and Oxford taught you? Do they share any common ground? Levin: 斯坦福的文化强调个性化。那里的学生完全有自由选择不同的生活方式。关于牛津,我对它现在的文化不是很了解,所以我只能谈35年轻我在那里求学时牛津的文化。在那个年代,大家都把牛津看作一个与世隔绝的象牙塔,是一个认真做学术研究的地方。所以这种单纯的精神生活使牛津成为了一个非凡之地。 |
G4: 记者:这三所大学让您感受最深刻是什么呢?或者说,您最留恋在其中哪所大学的求学经历,是在耶鲁吗? Levin: That’s really a difficult question. Let me think… The things that impress me most and I think can best define the three universities are the entrepreneurship at Stanford, the strong sense of community and emphasis on leadership at Yale, and you know, deep opportunity for serious study at Oxford. I found all three quite wonderful experiences. |
记者:What is the deepest impression the three universities have left on you? Or, which study experience of the three do you miss the most? Is it the one in Yale? Levin:这个问题确实很难回答。我想想…给我留下最深刻印象的也是最能定义这三所学校特色的就是斯坦福大学的进去精神、耶鲁大学强烈的社会责任感和对领导才能的重视,以及牛津大学严谨的科学研究。在这三所大学里的经历都是无与伦比的。 |
G5: 记者:太棒了,这对于年轻的学生真是很好的经历。他们在一个倡导自由精神的学府开启他们的学业,然后去了某个能够感受历史的地方,接着有前往东部,在那里把自己塑造成为了一个领导者。 Levin: It’s true. Right, that’s sort of what happened. It’s a wonderful sequencing of educational experiences. |
记者:fantastic! Those are really wonderful experiences for young students. They can first complete their study in an institution that advocates freedom, and then go to another place where they can be impressed with a sense of history, and finally go to the East and make themselves leaders. Levin: 确实如此。事实跟你描述的差不多。这种教育经历的顺序非常好。 |
G6: 记者:近年来,耶鲁大学被誉为“总统的摇篮”,连续三位美国总统都是耶鲁大毕业生。从克林顿任职美国总统的时代开始,您就开始担任耶鲁大学的校长。在这样一所旨在培养更多未来领导者的摇篮里担任领导,您觉得有压力吗?您如何才能把耶鲁的传统保持下去呢? Levin: I find my work challenging but also very stimulating. I’m trying to encourage students to be more engaged in extracurricular activities. We have about 250 different organizations and that leads to 250 leaders, 20% of the class are presidents of something. That’s a kind of laboratory for leadership. We have initiate the Yale World Fellow Program to train the rising leaders, young men and women mostly in their thirties, who have achieved great success in their careers but who have tremendous promise for future leadership. These are people ho might rise to leadership positions in government, in business and in NGOs through all the countries around the world. When these rising stars become tomorrow’s leaders, the philosophy of Yale can be more widely understood and better preserved. 记者:确实如此。再次感谢您接受我的采访。我很高兴能与您交谈。 Levin: It’s my pleasure talking to you. |
记者:in recent years, Yale University has been called the “cradle of American presidents” because three consecutive American presidents graduated from Yale University. You have been the president of the university since Clinton was the American president. Being a leader in the cradle of future leaders, do you feel any pressure? How can you keep Yale’s traditions and culture? Levin: 我的工作具有挑战性,但也给我很多鞭策和鼓舞。我正努力鼓励学生多参加课外活动。我们有250多个社团,也就意味这有250多名领导者。每个班都有20%的学生是某个社团的领导。学生就像是培养领导的实验室。我们通过“耶鲁世界青年领导者计划”来培养未来的领袖,这些精英们大多是三十多岁,都在各自的领域获得了巨大的成功并有潜力成为将来的领袖。他们有可能在全世界各个国家担任政府、商业和非政府组织的领袖。当这些后期之秀成为明日之星时,耶鲁大学的思想文化就会被广泛理解和更好地得到保护。 记者:you are quite right. Thank you again for accepting my interview. Nice talking with you, Dr. Levin. Levin: 我也很高兴与你交谈。 |
III. Practice:
3. 即兴口译:计分环节(15 mins)
1. 许多文化融合在….的阳光下many cultures blended under the New Mexico sun
2. 建立前所未有的生活方式 build innovative ways to live
Since reform and opening up, Chinesetraditional culture and Western culture blended under the socialist sun, whichchanged people’s thinking pattern and build innovative ways to live.
3. 世界级的研究型大学a world-class research university
4. 悠久的历史 rich history
5. 文化多样性cultural diversity
6. 无以伦比的自然景观 unexcelled natural beauty
7. 先进的、尖端的教育 cutting-edge education
8. 志向远大的学生 promising students
Harvard is a world-class researchuniversity. It is renowned for its rich history, amazing cultural diversity,and cutting-edge education. Since it was founded 360 years ago, it has nurturedgenerations of promising students, including 7 American Presidents, more than30 Noble Prize winners. What is worth mentioning is that its unexcelled naturalbeauty will fascinate you if you pay a visit here.
11. 学术能力 academic power
12. 科研能力 research capacity
Teachers should not only enhance academicpower, but also cultivate research capacity. Teaching is indispensable fromacademic research.
15. 质量一流的学位计划 top-qualityacademic degree program
16. 叫口称赞的学院acclaimed collegesand schools (acclaimed受赞誉的)
More than 250 top-quality academic degree programs in 13 acclaimedcolleges and schools are waiting for you.
21. 旗舰大学 flagship university (龙头产品 flagship product)
Some world-renowned luxury brands set upflagship stores in Times Square of Dalian.
28. 吸引….的注意 capture the attention of
New Mexico University has never failed tocapture the attention of eager students with its campus, academic atmosphereand research capacity.
33. 启发面向未来的研究和创新 enlighten forward-lookingresearch and innovation
I expect the results of my research will enlighten forward-looking researchand innovation of my colleagues
39. 一个有着90万居民的城市 a city of 900,000inhabitants
Dalian, a city of 6 million inhabitants,located in the south of Liaodong Peninsula, is an important city of economy,trade, industry and tourism in Eastern China.
IV. Homework: A preview of Unit7—3
vXiamen University was founded in 1921 by Tan KahKee, the well-known patriotic overseas Chinese leader. It was the firstuniversity in China founded by an overseas Chinese. At present it is the onlykey university in any of five special economic zones which is designatedfor the state key construction of the “211 Project” and the “985 Project”.
vOver the past eighty–seven years, as the result offollowing the school motto: “Pursue Excellence, Strive for Perfection”, Xiamen University hasaccumulated extensive experience in offering its educational programsand has presented its distinctive features in running the programs. Witha strong team of faculty and staff, Xiamen University, which provides afairly complete range of educational programs, has become a first-class comprehensiveuniversity in China with extensive international influence.
Unit7—2 The Art of Eating Well
1. Grasp the usage of expressions
2.Appreciateinterpreting skills
3.Work ona piece of exercise
二、学时安排(2 hours)
1. Text A: 1 hour
2.Exercise:1 hour
I. Training skill
II. Language illustration
For at least 5,000 years people around theworld have cultivated lettuceleaves, a food with an ancestry that can be traced from the ancient Egyptiansthrough to Greek and Roman civilisations and on to us. No wonder some peoplehave a thing about eating leaves.
I used to close my laptop, take mychopping board, my knife, my salad spinner and I was just working with my handsin this kind of moment of mindfulness,like a meditation in a way.
More meditations on salad-making in theoffice lunch break in a moment because what we're focusing on in this edition is how ourrelationship with the lettuce and salad leaves is changing at a faster pacethan at any other time in our 5,000-year-long love affair with them, so much sothat we can expect to see more and more acres of land in the UK transformedinto carpets of green.
As we look undercover stretching out infront of us a lush, green picture of row after row after row of leaf after leaf afterleaf. And supplying an industry that we'll see record sales this year,Britain has become the bagged salad capital of Europe.
(汉译英)T念稿子---学生笔记----互译----学生展示(分组)----自评、互评、教师点评反馈 (25mins)
I am very gladto have this opportunity to introduce Chinese cuisine to you. As you know, Chinahas an excellent reputation of exquisite cuisine. Chinese people attach greatimportance to “eating”. There is an old saying still widely quoted today “Foodis the paramount necessity of people”. Delicious and nutritious food has beenregarded as the basics of ordinary life.
The Chineseculinary culture has a distance source and has been developed for centuries. Chinesecooking culture started at Shang and Zhou dynasty, about 3500 years ago. Thelegend has it that Chinese cuisine was invented by a respected minister inShang dynasty.
With theeconomic growth through various periods, people have always been exploring newcooking techniques—from brevity to variety, from rudimentary to advanced stage,from day-to-day snacks to feasts, even to palatial dishes and delicacies.
Through the accumulatedexperience of the ancient people, there are more than 10000 different kinds ofdishes and more than 40 cooking methods. During the long-term development,Chinese dishes evolved into Northern and Southern styles. In general, theSouthern dishes emphasize freshness and tenderness, while Northern dishes arerelatively oily.
In the Tang andSong dynasty, people’s attention began to turn to nutritional and medicinalvalue of plants, such as mushrooms, herbs and vegetables. People cook all sortsof “medicinal” food for the prevention and treatment of disease or for care andrecovery.
As time went by,distinct local flavors were added to Chinese dishes. Northern dishes suchShandong cuisine, and southern cuisine such as Guandong cuisine, Sichuancuisine, Huaiyang cuisine’s recipes have been handed down. They each have theirown history and unique flavor.
III. Practice:
16. 像红极一时的素食馆一样resemble healthyvegetarian cafes that became faddish
Some cafes cater to gender, while othersresemble healthy vegetarian cafes that became faddish in the United States.
18. 为中医奠定了药学基础 formulate thepharmaceutical basis for Chinese medicine
The legend has it that Shen Bong, theChinese God of Agriculture, tasted 100 herbs and formulated the pharmaceuticalbasis for Chinese medicine.
21. 使…等同于….equate…to ….
In terms of money, he is wealthy, but notin terms of happiness, so we should not equate money to happiness.
22. 以积极待客、滋补食客的方式 in a positive andnourishing fashion
The ancient tradition of Chinese banquetconnected people with each other in a positive and nourishing fashion.
23. 强身健体empower oneself
empower 授权,允许,使能够
Traditional Chinese medicine held that theconsumption of vegetables and fruits is more conducive to empowering yourselfcompared with that of meat.
28. 举办正式的宴会 host a formalized meal
President Xi Jinping and first lady PengLiyuan hosted a formalized meal at Beijing National Aquatics Center to welcomegovernment leaders attending APEC conference. (Asian-Pacific EconomicCooperation)
29. 加强社会联系 strengthen socialconnections
Banquets not only provide occasions forcolleagues to enhance personal relationship, but also help to strengthen socialconnections in a broader sense.
Banquets create occasions to negotiateand strengthen social connections among people who work together, either in thesame unit or inside a larger work context.
30. 履行正式礼仪 enact formal ritual
Banquets create a rare space where formalrituals are enacted.
enact: 制定,颁布(a bill,a new tax law)
ritual: 仪式,惯例,n, adj,
32. 愿景 the desired outcome
To establish a communist society, which isfree from class, oppression, poverty, unemployment is the common desiredoutcome of all communists.
33. 感情 a strong sense ofaffection (情谊)
The desire outcome of hosting a banquet isto enhance gan qing, a strong sense of affection among people eating atthe banquet together.
34. 为…而努力 strive for
Again I would like to welcome you, and fromtoday on, let’s strive for the prosperity of the group corporation.
IV. Homework: A preview of Unit 7—3
4. 课后作业(两人一组,手机录像,一人演讲,一人口译)
A: although there are still heated debateson genetically modified foods, they have become a part of our lives. Accordingto the Department of Agriculture, a third of the corn and more than half of thesoybeans and cotton grown in the US last year were the product ofbiotechnology. More than 65 million acres of genetically modified crops will beplanted in the US this year.
B: yet, there are clearly some very realissues that need to be resolved. Like any new product entering the food chain,genetically modified foods must be subjected to rigorous testing. In wealthycountries, the debate about biotech is tempered by the fact that we have alarge amount of foods to choose from. On the contrary, in developing countriesthat are desperate to feed the fast-growing and underfed population, the issueis simpler and much more urgent: are the benefits of biotech worthy of therisks?
C: the UN estimates that by 2050, the worldpopulation will probably near 9 billion, almost all that growth will occur indeveloping countries. At the same time, the world’s available cultivable landper person is declining. It is estimated that nearly 800 million people aroundthe world are under-nourished. Various shocking diseases are caused by lack offood.
Unit7—3 The Romantic Champagne
1. Grasp the usage of expressions
2.Appreciateinterpreting skills
3.Work on apiece of exercise
二、学时安排(2 hours)
1. quiz
2.Exercise: 1hour
I. Skill Training
II.Language Illustration
Welcome to the world*s first national park, the Yellowstone Park of the United States! Look! ;In this paradise, nature puts on a spectacular display. Hot springs display brilliant colors of blue, yellow and orange. You won*t find any place else like it on Earth. Scientific expeditions visited this northwest corner of Wyoming in 1870 and 1871. The men who observed the wonders of the area saw the need to protect them. Through their efforts, i ! Yellowstone National Park was born in 1872. The park’s thermal areas make it unique. Hot springs are also found in New Zealand and Iceland. But Yellowstone has more hot springs than the rest of the earth combined. More than 200 hot springs and 10,000 other thermal features dot the park. Today, all are protected The park does not allow visitors to wander off the walkways or touch the thermal features. |
欢迎来到世界第一座国家公园,美国的黄石公园!在这个人间仙境里,大自然呈现着壮观的景色。大家看!溫泉展现出篮、责、橙等艳丽的色彩。地球上再也找不到任何地方可与此地相娩美。科学探险队在1870和1871年来到怀俄明州西北角的这块地方。目睹此地奇景的人意识到保护美景的必要。通过他们的努力,黄石国家公园终于于1872年诞生。 溫泉区是这个国家公园的特色。虽然新西兰和冰岛也有温泉,但是黄石公园的温泉数比全世|界其他地区加起来的总数还要多。 200多个温泉及一万多个溫泉景观布满了整个公园。今天,所有这些都受到保护,公园不允许游 :客偏离步道或触摸溫泉景观。 |
(汉译英)T念稿子---学生笔记----互译----学生展示(分组)----自评、互评、教师点评反馈 (25mins)
中国地大物博,历史悠久,文化古迹遍布全国,是世界上为数不多的旅游资源丰富的国家之一。// 近年来中国的旅游业的确有了很大的发展,但也存在一些不利因素,影响着中国旅游业的进一步发展。// 归纳起来主要有两大问题一一是提高服务质量,主要是软件的服务质量;二是降低综合服务费用,主要是航班机票等交通费用。// 我们认为可以采取两步走的方针。第一阶段是改善,第二阶段是发展。在今天下午的会议上,我会向各位介绍一些我们将要采取的具体措施 |
China has a vast territory, abundant resources and a long history, (all of which has contributed to so)many places of historic interest and cultural legacy. (That also explains why)China is one of the few countries in the world with rich tourist resources.// Indeed, China has made great progress in tourism in recent years. However, there exist some unfavorable factors which are hindering the further development of China’s tourist industry.// These problems boils down to two major ones: the need to improve the quality of service—mainly the quality of software service, and the need to reduce the cost for comprehensive service—mainly the transportation cost such as airline tickets.// (I think) we call take two steps. The first stage involves improvement and the second stage development. I will elaborate on the concrete measures we’ll take at the meeting this afternoon. |
III. Practice
1.比较各旅馆广告上所列的服务项目 to compare the services offered in their ads
Comparing theservices offered in ads of different hotels, you’ll realize the prices aredifferent although the rooms are same./you’ll realize the rooms are the same,despite the different prices.
A motel is ahotel where you drive to accommodate yourself (rest yourself), of course, youwill be given a parking space so you don’t have to stay in your vehicle fornight.
3.客栈inn 早期的住宿兼吃饭的地方叫做“客栈”。
In old days,the place for travelers to stay in and take food is called an “inn”
4.度假屋 a lodge or a resort
[suburbs;outskirts] Many American families have bought lodges or resorts in suburbs andthey tend to drive there to spend their weekends.
5.停车位 parking space
There are moreand more vehicles in the city of Dalian. It’s quite hard to find parking spaceson weekends.
6.公路 a freeway or a highway
A few days ago,a serious traffic accident happened on the highway from development zone to thecity proper, which caused 3 hours’ traffic jam.
7.为客人加铺 to move into a room to sleep an extra person
Reception desk[extra; excessive] If you want us to sleep an extra person in your room, informthe reception desk please.
8.摊开可作床用 to fold out to make beds
Don’t worry,you may sleep at my home. The sofas in my living room may fold out to makebeds.
20. 露宿户外camping
We are planning to go camping, but we don’thave favorable weather all these days. So, probably, we might have some indooractivities.
25. 在…游有所乐,居有其屋 to have a good time touring the States, and find a niceroof to shelter yourself
I sincerelyhope that all of you would have a good time touring Dalian, and find nice roofto shelter yourself.
IV. Homework: A preview of Unit 8—2
In today’s America, the tourism industryhas become a high-tech service industry. On your way to the airport, you cantune your radio to a particular wave band according to the signboards for thetraffic reports around the airport. On arrival, you can find a touch-screencomputer, you can check the airport and flight information following theon-screen instructions. If you have an E-ticket, i.e. a ticket booked throughcomputer in advance with a confirmation number, you can do the check-inprocedures on the spot.
The Travel Industry Association of Americahas identified ten new technologies to be applied widely in tourism: sat-navsystems in vehicles; the information computers at airports, hotels and touristcenters; E-tickets for flights; E-cards to pay expressway tolls; computerizedtaxi information; automated ticket machines; travel smart-cards (for paymentsfor flight tickets, hotels and taxis); E-tickets for subways; smart-cards fortrade exhibitions; and E-passports.
Unit8—2 Traditional Holidays
1. Grasp the usage of expressions
2.Appreciateinterpreting skills
3.Work on apiece of exercise
二、学时安排(2 hours)
1. Text A: 1 hour
2.Exercise: 1hour
I. quiz
II. language illustration
Holidaysin the United States (10:58—12:41)
There are three types of holidays in theUS: political holidays, traditional holidays, and religious holidays.
There more political holidays than anyother type. The most important political holiday in Independence Day, thefourth of July. On this day we celebrate our independence from Great Britain. Mostpeople spend the day with their family and friends. Picnics and barbecues arevery popular. In addition, almost every city and town has a fireworks displayat night.
Another very important political holiday isMemorial Day, which falls on the last weekend in May. On this holiday peoplecommemorate all the soldiers who have died for the United States. May towns andcities have parades, and some people go to cemeteries and put flowers or flagson the soldiers’ graves.
A third important political holiday isLabor Day, which we celebrate on the first Monday in September. This is theyday when we honor the workers of the United States. People watch parades, go onpicnics, or go to the beach. For students, Labor Day is a bittersweet holiday, becausewhen it is over they must begin school again.
Besides these three political holidays, wealso celebrate Presidents’ Day on the third Monday in February. On this day we commemoratethe birthdays of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.
(汉译英)T念稿子---学生笔记----互译----学生展示(分组)----自评、互评、教师点评反馈 (25mins) (另外材料:口译教学P31 关于春节、清明节、端午节)
New Year's Eve is the time when people bidfarewell to the old year and welcome the new. j When they bid farewell to theold year, they hope bad luck and misfortune will be left behind; when theywelcome the new year, they wish for a happier year ahead.
Usually New Year’s Eve is the busiest dayof the year. Within one day people must finish all the work that is taboo to doin the following days, such as the slaughtering of pigs and cattle, j replacingthe old with the new, cleaning the house and all the other jobs that need to bedone with I knives and scissors.
Most importantly, the family reunion dinnermust be well prepared. This is an auspicious and the most sumptuous meal of theyear, and part of the food must be left over for the coming year, symbolizingthat the family have food enough to spare from year to year.
Such a bountiful feast is known as the “crossing-the-YearMeal”. When the meal is prepared, the foods is used as a sacrificial offeringto the gods and ancestors.
III. Practice: 段落口译
5.尤其in particular
Let’s talk about our local conditions and customs,table manners in particular.
6.同世界其他地区一样 like in the rest of the world
like in the rest of the world,Dalian’stemperature in recent years has been increasing year by year. (yearly)
7.勤于烹调、享受美食 enjoy cooking and eating
A man who can enjoying cooking and eating is very popularfor girls.
8.(市场)充满。。 (Market) is well stocked with
Chinese market is getting much better, but a decade ago, itis well stocked with fake commodities.
9.数量的和质量的 quantitative and qualitative
With the improvement of our products, our factory’squantitative and qualitative profit is getting better.
10.不可分割的 indispensable
No matter when and where, we all believe Taiwan is anindispensable part of China.
1.纪念 in memory of 端午节是为了纪念投汨罗江而死的屈原的。
The dragon boat festival is in memory of Quyuan who wasdrowned in Miluo River.
2.以芦苇叶包好的糯米粽子 glutinous rice dumpling wrapped in reed leaves
3.赛龙舟 dragon boat race 每年端午节在太湖都有大型的赛龙舟活动,您如果感兴趣可以去观看。
In every dragon boat festival, there are large-scale dragonboat race on Taihu, if you are have interest in it, you can go for a look.
4.据传说 the legend has it that 据说,每年的除夕,人们都要把叫做“夕”的怪物赶跑。
The legend has it that every eve of the Spring Festival,people would drive away the monster “Xi”.
5.猛吃猛喝 lavishly consuming food and drink 中国人每到节假日就猛吃猛喝,其结果是每到这个时候,医院爆满。
Chinese tend to lavishly consume food and drink at whateverfestivals, as the result of it, the hospital is full.
6.吉祥如意的 propitious and happy 红色历来为国人重视,因为在中国的传统文化中,它代表吉祥如意的意思。
Red is put great emphasis by Chinese, because in Chinese culture,it symbolized propitious and happy meaning .
7.对联 antithetical couplet 春节期间,贴对联放鞭炮是中国人的传统,大概从洞穴生活时就开始了吧。
In the Spring Festival, putting up the antithetical coupletis Chinese custom, which probably started at the age of cave life.
8.家庭团聚 family reunion 假日往往也是人们进行家庭聚会,开怀畅饮的时候。(drink to one’s content)
Holidays are usually for family reunion, and people drinkto their content.
9.自己体会 to experience for yourself … 要想知道海底世界的乐趣,你最好自己去圣亚海底世界体会一下。 Fun in the undersea world, Sunasia world
If you want to have fun in the undersea world, you have toexperience for yourself.
IV. Homework: Preview Unit 8—3
我谨代表中国驻英国大使馆向各位嘉宾和朋友们拜年! It is my great pleasure to see so many people joining us in celebrating the Chinese New Year. On behalf of the Chinese Embassy in the UK, I wish all of you a very happy and prosperous Year of the Rabbit. (Chun Jie Kuai Le, Tu Nian Ji Xiang!) |
春节是中国的传统佳节,阖家团圆,举国欢庆,人们祈盼风调雨顺,国泰民安。 The Chinese New Year is a time for family reunions and national celebration. And it is when all Chinese people express their wish for a prosperous year, both for their families and their motherland. |
春节现在不仅是中国人的节日,也正在成为各国人民共同的节日。无论是中国,还是亚洲、美洲和欧洲;无论是伦敦,还是爱丁堡、曼彻斯特和利物浦,各地张灯结彩,舞龙戏狮,普天共庆,四海同春。 Today, the Chinese New Year is celebrated not only by the Chinese people, but also by the people in every part of the world. From China and across Asia, to Europe and America, wherever you go, you can feel the joy of celebrating. Here in London, as in Edinburgh, Manchester, Liverpool, and many other cities, people are decorating their homes and streets with colourful lanterns and celebrating with dragon and lion dances. |
春节与伦敦有个一年一度的约会。在特拉法加广场举行的这场中国文化盛事,今年已经是连续第10年。它已成为亚洲以外规模最大的春节庆典活动。中国和英国都有着悠久的历史、灿烂的文化、伟大的发明和勤劳的人民,都为人类文明的发展做出了非凡贡献。中国和英国都是当今具有重要影响的大国,都致力于促进世界和平、稳定和繁荣。人类进步和时代潮流告诉我们,相知才能互信,合作才能共赢。让我们携起手来,为构建一个持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界而共同作出努力。 This is the 10th year that we have been celebrating the Chinese New Year here in Trafalgar Square. It has become the largest event of celebrating the Chinese New Year outside Asia. We feel it important to share our happiness with the UK, a country we in China have so much in common with. We both have time-honoured histories, splendid cultures and hard-working people. We are both proud of the contributions we have made to human civilization, and are both playing important role in international arena for world peace, stability and prosperity. History tells us: mutual trust comes from mutual understanding, and cooperation leads to a win-win in our development. Let us join hands to build a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity. |
Unit8—3 The Purpose of Education
1. Grasp the usage of expressions
2. Appreciate interpreting skills
3. Work on a piece of exercise
二、学时安排(2 hours)
1. Text A: 1 hour
2.Exercise:1 hour
I. Skill Training:
II.Language Illustration
Studyingin the US: Helping Foreign Students Feel at Home
A college or university's international student office is agood place to start getting to know a school and the country. Part 26 of ourForeign Student Series. Transcript of radio broadcast:
18 March 2009
This is the VOA Special English Education Report.
Being a new student in school can be a little scary 吓人的. Being a new student in a new country can be even scarier. 成为一个新学校的新生有点让人害怕,成为一个陌生国家学校的新学生更让人害怕。 |
A college or university's international student office is a good place to start getting to know the school and the country. This week in our Foreign Student Series, we talk about support services for international students in the United States. 一个学院或大学的国际学生办公室可以很好的开始了解这个学校和这个国家。这周在我们国外学生系列节目中,我们要谈论在美国如何为支持留学生提供服务。 |
Our example is the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. U.S.C.(南加州大学) has had the most international students of any American college or university for the past seven years. So says the Institution of International Education in New York. 纽约国际教育学会 我们的例子是位于洛杉矶的南加州大学,在过去的7年,南加州在美国任何学院和大学中拥有最多的留学生。也就是所说的纽约国际教育学会。 |
U.S.C.'s Office of International Services says the number of students this year is about seven thousand five hundred. The University of Southern California has more than thirty-five thousand students total. 南加州大学国际服务办公室说:今年的学生数量大概7500人。目前南加州大学总共有35000名学生。 |
The Office of International Services helps explain student life at the university. It also organizes programs to help foreign students feel more at ease in their new surroundings. For example, there are trips to explore the Los Angeles area. 国际服务部办公室说明了在大学学生的生活情况。大学也组织规划帮助留学生在新环境中生活的更自如。比如,有去洛杉矶的旅行,了解这一地区。 |
Most American colleges and universities have a similar office that helps international students. These offices look for ways to get students involved in school life and make American friends. Their job is not always easy. International students often want to spend their free time with friends from their own country or group. 美国很多院校和大学都有类似的办公部门帮助留学生。这些部门寻求很多方式帮助学生融入学校生活交到美国朋友。他们的工作没那么简单。留学生经常想和来自同一国家或本族群体的人交朋友与他们有更多的自由时间。 |
India, China, South Korea, Japan and Canada sent the most students to the United States during the last school year. Next came Taiwan, Mexico, Turkey, Saudi Arabia ['saudi ə'reibjə] 沙特阿拉伯and Thailand. 去年留学生来自印度、中国、韩国、日本、加拿大的人数最多。其次是台湾、墨西哥、土耳其、沙特和泰国。 |
The office at U.S.C. also assists family members who come to the United States with international students. The family members can take English classes and go on trips to places like museums. 南加州的国际留学部还会帮助来美国的留学生的家庭成员。这些家庭成员可以上英语课程去各地旅行,比如博物馆。 |
The Office of International Services also organizes other activities. For example, a State of the World Seminar takes place each semester. A group of international students and a professor discuss current social and political issues and take questions from the audience. The most recent seminar研讨会, held earlier this month, dealt with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 国际留学部也组织各种活动。比如,每学期世界研讨会如期进行。一些留学生和一名教授一起讨论目前的社会和政治问题,并从观众中提取问题回答。最近的一次研讨会是在之前的一个月,主题是解决巴以冲突问题。 |
And that's the VOA Special English Education Report, written by Nancy Steinbach. Our series on studying in the United States will continue next week. Earlier reports are at voaspecialenglish.com. Click on Foreign Student Series. You can write comments and read what other people are saying. I'm Steve Ember. 这里是美国之音慢速英语教育报告,Nancy撰稿。我们的系列节目学习在美国下周继续。 |
(汉译英)T念稿子---学生笔记----互译----学生展示(分组)----自评、互评、教师点评反馈 (25mins)
There's a frustrating paradox inChinese education. On the one hand, millions of college graduates cannot find ajob -- at least a desirable job that pays substantially more thanwhat a migrant worker makes. On the other hand, businesses that want to pay alot more can't seem to find qualified employees. Multinational companies inChina are having a difficult time finding qualified candidates for theirpositions. According to a recent survey of U.S.-owned enterprises conducted bythe American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, 37 percent of thecompanies that responded said that finding talent was their biggest operationalproblem.
一个问题就是高考足以决定学生能否进入大学深造以及上什么样的大学。结果是,中国的大学毕业生通常能够取得很高的成绩,但个人能力很弱。这就是为什么在一份调查中发现,仅有不到10%的中国大学毕业生能够胜任在外企的工作。The problem is that College Entrance Exam is the only exam thatmatters since it determines whether students can attend college and what kindof colleges they can attend. The result is that Chinese collegegraduates often have high scores but low ability. That is why a studyfound that fewer than 10 percent of Chinese college graduates would be suitablefor work in foreign companies.
Chinese educators are well aware of the problems with the collegeentrance exam system and have been trying to move away from the excessivefocus on testing. But seeking other valid indicators of strong academicrecords will take time, especially in a country of 1.3 billion people.
IV. Practice.
V. Homework: Preview 8—4
Unit9---1The Road to a Prosperous City
1. Grasp the usage of expressions
2. Appreciate interpreting skills
3. Workon a piece of exercise
二、学时安排(2 hours)
1. Text A: 1 hour
2. Exercise: 1 hour
I. Skill Training:
II. Language Illustration
Mr. President, Ladies andGentlemen,Good afternoon!
Before I introduce our cultural programs, let me tell you one thingfirst about 2008. You''re going to have a greattime in Beijing. Many people arefascinated by China’s sport legend in history.
Chinahas its own sport legends. Back to Song Dynasty,about the 11th century, people startedto play a game called Cuju, which isregarded as the origin of ancientfootball. The game was very popular and womenwere also participating. Now, you will probably understand why our womenfootball team is so good today.
Thereare a lot more wonderful and exciting events swaiting for you in New Beijing, a dynamicmodern metropolis with 3,000 years of cultural treasures woven into theurban tapestry挂毯. Along with the iconic imagery of the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven andthe Great Wall, the city offers an endless mixture of theatres, museums,discos, all kinds of restaurants and shopping malls that will amaze and delightyou.
Butbeyond that, it is a place of millions of friendlypeople这个城市有千千万万有善的人民who love to meet people fromaround the world. 热爱与世界各地的人民相处People of Beijing believe thatthe 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing will help to enhance the harmony between our culture and the diverse cultures ofthe world.将推动我们的文化与世界个文化的交流 Their gratitude will pour outin open expressions of affection for you andthe great Movement that you guide.他们将向您和您所领导的奥林匹克运动,尽情表达他们对奥运会的感激之情。
Withinour cultural programs文化计划中, education and communicationwill receive the highest priority.教育和交流将是我们的首要重点 We seek to create an intellectual and sporting legacy遗产by broadening the understanding of the Olympic Idealsthroughout the country.我们将在全国弘扬奥运精神,以留下一笔精神和体育财富。
Cultural events will unfold展开,显露eachyear, from 2005 to 2008. 05-08,我们每年将定期举办文化活动,We will stage multi-disciplined cultural programs, 我们将开展多元文化活动such as concerts, exhibitions, artcompetitions and camps which will involve 如由全世界青少年参加的音乐会young people from around the world. During the Olympics, they willbe staged in the Olympic Village and the city北京for the benefit of the athletes.奥运会期间,这些文化活动将同时在奥运村和全市范围内展开,以方面运动员们参与。
OurCeremonies will give China''s greatest-and the world''s greatest artists astage开闭幕式将为中国和世界杰出艺术家提供舞台 for celebrating the common aspirations of humanity讴歌人类的共同愿望 and the unique heritage of our cultureand the Olympic Movement.我们独特的文化和奥林匹克运动
Witha concept inspired by the famed 著名的Silk Road,基于丝绸之路带来的灵感our TorchRelay will break new ground, 将开展新局面travelingfrom Olympia 从奥林匹亚山through some of the oldestcivilizations known to man-Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Byzantine, 拜占庭Mesopotamian, 美索不达米亚Persian, 波斯Arabian, Indian and途径人类鼓励的文明发源地
Chinese. Carrying the message "Share the Peace, Share the Olympics," 以共享和平,共享奥运为主题the eternal flame 奥运永恒不息的火焰will reach new 将穿越heights as it crosses the Himalayasover the world''s highest summit - Mount Qomolangma, 到达世界最高峰which is known to many of you as Mt.Everest. 珠穆朗玛峰从而达到一个新的高度In China, the flame will passthrough Tibet, cross the Yangtze and 中国奥运圣火将通过西藏,穿过长江和黄河,达。。途径。。组成我们国家的56个民族中传递
YellowRivers, travel the Great Wall and visit Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and the 56ethnic communities who make up our society. On its journey, 通过这样的路线the flame 比以前任何火炬接力更备受瞩目更鼓舞人心will be seen by and inspire more human beings than anyprevious relay.比以往任何一次接力数量都多的人民将目睹火炬并收到鼓舞。
I am afraid I can not presentthe whole picture of our cultural programs within such a short period of time. 在这么短时间,实在那一展现我们文化计划的全貌Before I end, let me sharewith you one story. Seven hundred years ago, 惊奇于他有关那个美丽的遥远国度的描述amazed by his incredibledescriptions of a far away land of great beauty, people asked Marco Polo whether his stories about Chinawere true.He answered: What I have told you was not even half of what I saw. 我只不过将我所见到的向你们描述了一半而已Actually, what we have shown you heretoday is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you.事实上今天我们向您展示的,也仅仅是正在共和您的到来的北京一隅
Beijing will prove to be aland of the wonders to all of you, to athletes, spectators, worldwidetelevision audience alike, come and join us! 我相信北京将向运动员、观众以及全世界的电视观众证明这是一个神奇的土地
(汉译英)T念稿子---学生笔记----互译----学生展示(分组)----自评、互评、教师点评反馈 (25mins)
自1851年英国伦敦大英万国工业博览会以来,经过150多年的发展,世博会不仅广泛地反映人类经济社会发展的成就,而且日益关注人类在发展中共同面临的重大问题。能源、淡水、海洋、人类与自然先后成为世博会的主题。这些主题在世博会的提出,展示了各国为解决人类面临的共同问题和挑战做出的努力,为人类社会的可持续发展进行积极探索,显示了人类理性的进步。世博会已成为世界文明的盛会、人类文明的驿站。中国2010 年上海世博会以“城市,让生活更美好”为主题,这是世博会历史上第一次将视角转向城市。我们希望通过各参展方展示和活动,共同探讨三个问题:什么样的城市让生活更美好、更和谐;什么样的生活方式让城市更美好、更和谐;什么样的城市发展模式让地球家园更美好、更和谐。我们期待着各参国以上海世博会为平台,充分展示城市文明成果、交流城市建设经验、传播城市发展理念、探讨城乡互动发展,探索新的更好的人类居住、生活、工作模式。
In the past 150 years and more since theGreat Exhibition of the Works of Industry of All Nations held in London, in1851, the World Expo has paid more and more attention to the major issues indevelopment facing all mankind. The theme of “Better City, Better Life” for theWorld Expo 2010 Shanghai China marks the first time ever in history that aWorld Expo focuses on the city. Through the exhibitions and interaction by theparticipating parties, we hope we will all together address three major issues:What kind of city makes people’s life better? What kind of lifestyle makes acity better? What kind of urban development model makes the world a better andmore harmonious place to live in? We look forward to the participants’ makingthe best use of the platform provided by the World Expo Shanghai to demonstratetheir achievements in enhancing urban civilizations, share experience in urbandevelopment, explore the interactive development of the urban and rural areas,and disseminate ideas and concepts for urban development.
III. Practice
11.在日程之首位 at the top of the agenda
We are supposedto put the development of science and technology at the top of agenda.
1.坚强有力的领导 strong leadership
2.致力于。。。 be committedto (noun)
现在很多中国人致力于外太空探索, 那的确是功在当代,利在千秋的事业.
Benefit both thepresent and the future
3.创新思维 tothink creatively 培养学生的创新思维是我们的当务之急.
4.获得竞争优势 togain a competitive advantage over sth 中国在农业品生产和出口上比日本具有竞争优势.
5.实现这一目标 toattain this goal
We all theworking staff worked day and night.
6.激励真正创新 toreward real innovation
Fake identifypseudo-science
7.支柱之一 one ofthe underpinnings
Tourism is oneof the several economic underpinnings in the city of Dalian.
8.革新是国家竞争力的核心innovation is the core of the nation’s competitiveness
9.制定 to layout
Only by layingout study and living plans suitable to an individual’s habits, can he betterhimself faster.
10.增强独立创新能力 to enhance independentinnovative capabilities
11.加强基础科研能力 to strengthen itsability to conduct basic science rearch.
12.加快进入创新国家的行列 to speed up itsefforts to join the ranks of innovative countries
13.应对创新挑战 to address the innovationchallenge
当今世界各国纷纷采取措施来应对创新挑战,进行科技兴国.[address,deal with]
47. 创造发明中心a global center of creativity and innovation
IV. Homework: preview 9-2
Dating back to the second century B.C., the7,000-kiloraeter-long Silk Road has been a trade :thoroughfare linking thecontinents of Asia and Europe.
“The Silk Road Tour” that we offer followsa route beginning from the ancient city of Xi’an and ending at Urumqi, thecapital of Xinjiang.
Along the route the tourist will takepleasure in the charms of the natural landscape, appreciate the superiorworkmanship of ancient artists, and enjoy local delicacies.
A wealth of historical relics, fascinatingscenery and interesting local cultures along the Silk Road makes this trip oneof the world’s most exciting tourist attractions.
Unit9—2 Family Responsibility
1. Grasp the usage of expressions
2. Appreciate interpreting skills
3. Work on a piece of exercise
二、学时安排(2 hours)
1. Text A: 1 hour
2. Exercise: 1 hour
I. Skill Training:
II. Language Illustration
Family values is a political and socialconcept used in various cultures to describe values that are believed to betraditional in that culture and in support of the idea that nuclear familiesare the basic units of culture. The phrase has different meanings in differentcultures. In the late 20th and early 21st centuries, theterm has been frequently used in political debate, especially by social andreligious conservatives, who believe that the world has seen a decline infamily values since the end of the Second World War. Because the term is vague,and means different things to different people, “family values” has beendescribed as a political buzzword, power word, or code word predominantly usedby right-wing or conservative political parties.
What exactly makes up a strong family thatpossesses good family values? A family that sustains its members—that supportsand nourishes the members throughout the span of that family. A strong familyunit creates a safe, positive and supportive place for all members to thrive. Theyare able to utilize resources and to live together in a fairly healthy manner.
III. Practice
Unit9-2 Family Responsibility 家庭责任
1. 借此机会谈一谈… take a moment to talk about
We’d like to take a moment to talk aboutwhy family education is important. How to fully play the role of parents ineducation?
2. 某人有幸做…事情 be blessed to do
We are so blessed to be on your program.
I feel very blessed to be able to do what Ido.
3. …是无可替代的 there will never be asubstitute for…
There will never be a substitute formother’s milk.
4. 对…而言更是如此 this/ that is (uniquely/ particularly) true for…
All countries face the issue of agingpopulation. That is particularly true for the developed counties.
5. 为….付出难以置信的牺牲 make incredible sacrifices for sb
Countless revolutionary martyrs have madeincredible sacrifices for the interests of the people. /for the sake of thenation.
6. 为…做出出色的工作 do a heroic job for
Becks believes he can still do a heroic jobfor his country—wherever he is playing.
7. 榜样 role model; male/ female role model
For many Chinese, Li Na has become a femalerole model with her will of steel, bright smile, fluent and humorous English.
His image of “tough guy” has become a malerole model for young people.
8. 逐渐灌输…价值观 instill values into
They instill Confucian values into youngpeople, especially benevolence and virtue.
9. 勤奋、正直、责任感、延迟享乐(享乐在后) hard work, integrity,responsibility, delayed gratification
10. 为孩子的光明前途奠定基础 give child thefoundation to envision a brighter future for themselves
11. 无家的男人 men without a familyconnection
12. 打破循环 break the cycle
In short, education is a powerful way tobreak the cycle of poverty, ill health, misery, and low status.
13. 养父母 foster parents
14. 持之以恒的关心 constant attention
The tension in the Middle East requiresconstant attention.
15. 源源不断的付出 frequent sacrifice
The growth of child demands parents’frequent sacrifice.
16. 体贴入微的耐心 a healthy dose ofpatience
She has a healthy dose of patience towardsthe kids in welfare home.
17. 改革儿童抚养法律 reform child-supportlaw
18. 对孩子尽责 get engaged with one’schildren
As parents, it’s our responsibility toteach, guide and encourage our kids. If we can get engaged with them, they cangrow up healthily.
19. 社区组织 community organization
If you haven’t yet started, just do so—inthe face of being a consultant for a charity or a community organization.
20. 激励家长尽责,做好父亲 encourage strongparenting and fatherhood
21. 这才是最重要的。That’s what mattersmost.
22. 回首往事 look back on my life
Live in a good, honorable life. Then whenyou get older and look back on your life, you’ll get to enjoy the meaning oflife.
23. 给予…源源不断的关怀和鼓励a source of comfortand encouragement to sb.
Marriage is on the basis of mutual respect,and marriage life is a source of comfort and encouragement to the couple.
24. 给予…无条件的爱show sb. unconditional love
We must show others unconditional lovebefore we can be loved.
IV. Homework: Preview Unit 9--4
Unit9—4 The Beginning of an Old Story
1. Grasp the usage of expressions
2. Appreciate interpreting skills
3. Work on a piece of exercise
二、学时安排(2 hours)
1. Text A: 1 hour
2. Exercise: 1 hour
I. Skill Training
II. Language Illustration:
Good morning. It is an honor for me to join thisdistinguished group of leaders from nations around the world. We come here inCopenhagen because climate change poses a grave and growing danger to ourpeople. All of you would not be here unless you - like me - were convinced thatthis danger is real. This is not fiction, it is science. climate change willpose unacceptable risks to our security, our economies, and our planet. Thismuch we know.
The question, then, before us is no longer thenature of the challenge -- the question is our capacity to meet it. For whilethe reality of climate change is not in doubt, I have to be honest, as theworld watches us today, I think our ability to take collective action is indoubt right now, and it hangs in the balance.
I believe we can act boldly, and decisively, inthe face of a common threat. That's why I come here today - not to talk, but toacT(Applause.) 我相信面对这一共同威胁,我们能够采取勇敢、果断的行动.这就是我为什么来到这里的原因──不是为了高谈阔论,而是为了付诸行动.(掌声)
Now, as the world's largest economy and as the world's second largestemitter, America bears our responsibility to address climate change, and weintend to meet that responsibility. That's why we've renewed our leadership withininternational climate change negotiations. That's why we've worked with othernations to phase out fossil fuel subsidies. That's why we've taken bold actionat home - by making historic investments in renewable energy; by putting ourpeople to work increasing efficiency in our homes and buildings; and bypursuing comprehensive legislation to transform to a clean energy economy.
These mitigation actions are ambitious, and weare taking them not simply to meet global responsibilities. We are convinced,as some of you may be convinced, that changing the way we produce and useenergy is essential to America's economic future - that it will createmillions of new jobs, power new industries, keep us competitive, and spark newinnovation. We're convinced, for our own self-interest, that the way we useenergy, changing it to a more efficient fashion, is essential to ournational security, because it helps to reduce our dependence on foreign oil,and helps us deal with some of the dangers posed by climate change.
So I want this plenary session to understand,America is going to continue on this course of action to mitigate our emissionsand to move towards a clean energy economy, no matter what happens here inCopenhagen. We think it is good for us, as well as good for the world. But wealso believe that we will all be stronger, all be safer, all be more secure ifwe act together. That's why it is in our mutual interest to achieve aglobal accord in which we agree to certain steps, and to hold each otheraccountable to certain commitments.
After months of talk, after two weeks ofnegotiations, after innumerable side meetings, bilateral meetings, endlesshours of discussion among negotiators, I believe that the pieces of that accordshould now be clear.
经过几个月的讨论,经过两个星期的谈判,经过大量会外的会谈、双边会晤和谈判人员日以继夜的磋商,我相信这项协议各个方面的内容应该已经很明确. (美国总统奥巴马)
(汉译英)T念稿子---学生笔记----互译----学生展示(分组)----自评、互评、教师点评反馈 (25mins)
视译 P110
Over recent years, thanks to the reform andopening up, China’s national image has gradually been building up in the mindsof people all over the world. But we should also note that many westernersstill have different perceptions of China, which can be generally divided intofour types.
First, ignorance. These people knowvirtually nothing about China. A survey was carried out in America once, whichasked the respondents “Who is the president of China?”. It turned out that manyAmericans could not answer the question.
Second, misunderstanding. This is becausethe western media reports a disproportionately large amount of negative newsabout China giving the general public misconceptions about China, its economicdevelopment, religious issues, and so on.
Third, prejudice. Ever since the OpiumWars, western countries have not taken China seriously. China is now developingrapidly and has become one of the main forces behind global economic growth. Itis true that some people are not comfortable about this. As Tony Blair calledit, it is “historical arrogance”.
Fourth, stereotypes. Some people are simplyagainst anything to do with China.
III. Practice
IV Homework: Preview 10-2
Unit10---1 A Storyteller
1. Grasp the usage of expressions
2. Appreciate interpreting skills
3. Work on a piece of exercise
二、学时安排(2 hours)
1. Text A: 1 hour
2. Exercise: 1 hour
Ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon! I amdelighted to be here this afternoon to deliver the address at this pressconference of the Pilgrimage Journey of Xuanzang.
Both China and Afghanistan are countrieswith long history and distinguished cultures. We have a very long history of good-neighborlyrelations. Our friendship has lasted for more than 2,000 years.
The tie connecting Afghanistan and China isthe Silk Road. China is the beginning of the | road, while Afghanistan is theimportant communication center on the road. Through the Silk Road, we haveexchanged goods and cultures.
About 1,400 years ago, a Chinese monk,Xuanzang, went to India through Afghanistan. He visited and studied inAfghanistan. His record about Afghanistan is important for historians and 1archaeologists to make clear the unidentified points of the history of thisland.
中国和阿富汗都是有着悠久历史和灿烂文化的国家,并且两国一直是友好邻邦。我们的友谊有长达2000多年的历史。 |
(汉译英)T念稿子---学生笔记----互译----学生展示(分组)----自评、互评、教师点评反馈 (25mins)
TEST 02 Part B Passage 1
4. 引发争议 stir up some controversy
Any new form of currency inevitably stirsup some controversy in many aspects.
5. 被争议的对象 the target of the controversy
Barbie doll has become the target of thecontroversy in many regions, because she portrays an unmarried andwealth-loving image.
10. 用笔写的永不磨没 what is written downstands the test of time
Dairy records life path, for what iswritten down stands the test of time.
11. 让所有…都喜欢他的 claim complete indulgenceof all his…
It is not easy for a teacher to claimcomplete indulgence of all his students.
13. 睁着大眼 eyes wide open
Miracles surround you everyday. You needlook at them, eyes wide open.
14. 流露出…神情 in an expression of
Hearing the terrorist attack, people werein an expression of shock.
15. 警告处分 receive a disciplinarywarning
Two officers were found guilty of breach ofconduct and received disciplinary warning.
16. 向…忏悔 express penitence to
Japanese government should expresspenitence to Chinese people for what they had done in wartime.
17. 深感歉疚 my conscience is deeplytroubled
When I consider what my parents have donefor me, my conscience is deeply troubled.
18. 悟出道理 lead sb. to the conviction
Finally I was led to the conviction thatthere is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.
24. 胆战心惊,面如土色 they were terrified,and their faces ashen.
The suspects were terrified, their facesashen at the judgment seat.
25. 干过伤天害理的坏事 do something offensiveto the God
The history of Great Britain is a historyof repeated doing something offensive to the God.
26. 免受牵连 spare the innocent fromsuffering
The friend of this suspect refused totestify at the trial to spare the innocent from suffering.
27. 轰然倒塌 collapse on
The two towers of World Trade Center collapsedwithin two hours.
28. 获得诺贝尔文学奖 earn sb. the NobelPrize for Literature
Moyan’s winning the Nobel Prize forLiterature is the pride of Chinese.
IV. Homework: preview 10-2
Unit10—2 Environmental Protection
1. Grasp the usage of expressions
2. Appreciate interpreting skills
3. Work on a piece of exercise
二、学时安排(2 hours)
1. Text A: 1 hour
2. Exercise: 1 hour
实战交传P142 part 1,2,7,8
1. climate change is perhaps the twenty-first century’s biggest foreign policy challenge along with such challenges as preventing the spread of nuclear weapons. A world is failing to respond to climate change is one in which the values embodied in the UN will not be met. It is world in which competition and competition and conflict will win over collaboration. 气候变化可能是21世纪最大的外交政策挑战,其他挑战还有防止核武器扩散。一个未能应对气候变化的世界是一个不会实现联合国价值观的世界。在这个世界中,竞争和冲突将会战胜协作。 |
2. An effective response to climate change underpins our security and prosperity. You cannot have food, water, or energy security without climate security. They are interconnected and inseparable. Plentiful, affordable food requires reliable and affordable access to water and energy. Increasing dependence on coal, oil, and gas threatens climate security, increasing the severity of floods and droughts, undermining energy security through the impact on water availability. 对气候变化的有效回应是我们安全和繁荣的基础。如果没有气候安全,食品、水或者能源安全无从谈起。所有这些安全都是相互联系而且不可分割的。充足、负担得起的食品需要可靠、负担得起的渠道来获得水和能源。对煤、石油、天然气越来越多的依赖威胁这气候安全、增加了洪水和干旱的严重程度,水有限就会削弱能源安全。 |
7. Climate change is one of the gravest threats to our security and prosperity. Unless we take robust and timely action to deal with it, no country will be immune to its effects. However difficult it might seem now, a global deal under the UN is the only response to this threat which will create the necessary confidence to drive a low carbon transition. 气候变化是对我们安全和繁荣的最严重威胁之一。除非我们采取有力和及时的行动来应对,否则没有国家将独善其身。无论现在看起来有多么困难,以联合国为主导的全球协议是对这一威胁的唯一回应方式,将为驱动低碳过渡建立必要的信心。 |
8. a successful response will not only stabilize the climate but open the way to a future in which we can meet our needs through cooperation, in accordance with the ideals of the UN. Failure will enhance competitive tendencies and make the world more dangerous. We have to get this right. If we do, we can shape our world. If we do not, our world will determine our destiny. 一个成功的回应不仅将稳定气候,为未来开通道路,而且将在今后按照联合国的理想,通过合作来满足我们的需求。失败降价中竞争的倾向,让世界变得更加危险。我们必须把这件事做好。如果我们能做到的话,就能塑造我们的世界。如果我们做不到的话,我们的世界将会决定我们的命运。 |
(汉译英)T念稿子---学生笔记----互译----学生展示(分组)----自评、互评、教师点评反馈 (25mins)
气候是人类赖以生存的自然环境,是经济社会可持续发展的重要基础资源。以气候变暖为主要特征的全球气候变化已是不争的事实。 |
Climate is the natural environment which the mankind depends on for living and the important basic resources for sustainable economic and social development. The global climate change, mainly characterized by climate warming, is an unequivocal reality. |
气候变化导致灾害性气候事件频发,冰川和积雪融化加速,水资源分布失衡,生物多样性受到威胁,对人类经济社会生活和可持续发展带来深刻和长远的影响。 |
Climate change leads to frequent occurrence of disastrous climate events, accelerated melting of glaciers and snow covers, unbalanced distribution of water resources and endangered biodiversity, and has profound and long-lasting impact on economic and social livelihood and sustainable development of human beings. |
可以说,气候和气候变化问题,从来没有像今天这样受到各国政府的高度关切和重视,从来没有像今天这样受到全球民众的高度关心和忧虑,从来没有像今天这样受到各类国际组织的高度关注和思考。 |
Never before have the issues of climate and climate change received so much concern and attention from all governments, been so much cared and worried about by people around the world, and been so much focused on and thought about by various international organizations. |
气候变化问题事关人类的福祉和全球的可持续发展,需要国际社会共同积极应对。 |
The issue of climate change calls for common and active responses from the international community, as it concerns the well-being of all peoples and the global sustainable development. |
中国是一个气候条件复杂、生态环境脆弱、自然灾害频发、易受气候变化影响的国家。 |
China, with complex climatic conditions, fragile ecological environment and frequent natural disasters, is vulnerable to climate change. |
气候变化是人类面临的共同挑战。中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,尽管面临着发展经济、消除贫困、改善民生的艰巨任务,仍高度重视气候变化问题。 |
Climate change is the common challenge faced by the mankind. As the largest developing country in the world, China faces enormous tasks in developing its economy, eradicating poverty and improving people's livelihood, but it still attaches great importance to climate change. |
III. Practice
1.环境保护/环境发展/环境问题/环境危机/环境规划/环境管理/ environmental protection/development/ problem/ crisis/planning/management
很多地方政府为了发展经济而忽视环境保护 ignore (故意的) neglect(无意的)
Many localgovernments have ignored environmental protection in order to develop economy.
1.各界人士people of all walks of life
commonissue/concerning Environmental protection has become the common issue thatconcerns the people of all walks of life.
2.协调…与… 两者之间的关系 to strike a balancebetween A and B
In the processof actual implementation, it is really not easy to strike a balance between stickingto the four basic principles and carrying out reform and opening-up.
3.在…过程中: in the process of
well-offsociety; better-off society We met with many difficulties in the processof building a well-off society
4.实现经济持续发展:realization of sustained economic development
Realization ofsustained economic development has been one of important strategic targetssince we stepped into the 21st century.
5.在全国范围内: nationwide
There were morethan 5000 contestants in this nationwide English Speech Contest
6.综合整治:comprehensively work on
Dalian municipalgovernment is comprehensively working on the city proper and its surroundingareas.
7.退耕还林/退耕还草: return cultivated land toforests or pastures
To protectecological environment, to protect vegetation and to return cultivated land toforests or pastures are offering a chance for the nature to having a break.
8.宣传环保知识:popularizeenvironmental protection knowledge
To popularize environmentalprotection knowledge to adults is equally important to do so to children.
9.提高对…的认识:raise awareness of
从那时起,我们公司全体员工都提高了对保守商业机密的认识,所以在去年一年中没有任何事故发生。 Sincethen, all our company’s staff members raised awareness of keeping commercialsecrets, so we didn’t have any incident last year.
10.采取强有力的措施:totake vigorous action to
No matter whathappened, the government took vigorous action to maintain social stability.
11.国际环保事务:international environmental protection affairs
All of us shouldbe responsible for international environmental protection affairs
12.促进国际…的合作: to promote internationalcooperation
[organization;institution] This organization has contributed a lot to promoting internationalcooperation since its establishment.
13.认真履行国际义务:earnestly fulfill its international obligations
Poor or rich,big or small,allcountries must earnestly fulfill their international obligations.
14.某人做某事的诚意和决心thesincerity and determination of sb to do sth
[correspondence;letters]From these letters we may realize the sincerity and determination ofthe two nations to establish links at that time.
15.全球环境/城市环境/农村环境: global environment/ urban~/ rural ~
To improveglobal environment has been at the top of agenda
16.在解决…难题中面临着大量的难题: to face a greatmany difficulties in solving the problems of
We are facing agreat many difficulties in solving the problems of environmental pollutionproblem.
17.任重而道远: thereis a grand task to perform and a long way to go.
18.一如既往: as itdid in the past
Though we havemany difficulties and barriers, we are still working hard as we ever did in thepast.
19.为…而奋斗 to strive for
This engineerhas strived for the construction and development of our factory for all hislife.
20.造福后代: forthe benefits of our children
Less factoriesand more roads, less children and more trees are for the offspring.
IV. Homework: preview 10-3
It is no easy thing for companies to jointhe Climate Group, whose purpose is to promote the saving of energy and thereduction of emissions. The entry requirements are high and the process islong. To begin with, the company has to identify with the goals of the Groupand to have made a committed effort sector: do their investment principlesconform with fostering the development of low carbon industries? Or companiesin the manufacturing sector: do they take low carbon goals into considerationin their energy consumption and raw material purchasing? In short, in carryingout all aspects of their business operations, the companies should adhererigorously and systematically to low carbon goals. This year can be considereda crucial year for the implementation of low carbon practices and for the fightagainst climate change, and so we hope that ever more individuals and ever morebusinesses will join the low carbon revolution.
Unit10—3 Meeting the Challenge
1. Grasp the usage of expressions
2. Appreciate interpreting skills
3. Work on a piece of exercise
二、学时安排(2 hours)
1. Text A: 1 hour
2. Exercise: 1 hour
ToUphold World Peace and Promote Common Development
朋友们: 经过30多年的改革开放,中国同世界的关系发生了历史性变化,中国的前途命运日益紧密地同世界的前途命运联系在一起。不管国际风云如何变幻,中国都将高举和平、发展、合作的旗帜,奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,恪守维护世界和平、促进共同发展的外交宗旨。 |
Dear friends, After thirty years of reform and opening-up, China’s relations with the world have undergone a historic sea-change. China’s future and destiny are now closely tied to those of the world. No matter how the international situation may evolve, China will always stand up for peace, development and cooperation, pursue an independent foreign policy of peace, and stick to its diplomatic vision of upholding world peace and promoting common development. |
我们始终不渝地坚持走和平发展道路。中华民族是热爱和平的民族。中华民族的复兴对世界不是威胁,而是机遇和贡献。我们致力于和平解决国际争端和热点问题,推动国际和地区安全合作。中国的发展是和平的发展,不会所害任何人,也不会威胁任何人,中国现在不称霸,将来也绝不称霸。 |
We are committed to following the path of peaceful development. The Chinese people love peace. Our drive to revitalize the Chinese nation is not a threat to the world. Rather, it represents both an opportunity and our contribution to the world. We seek the peaceful settlement of international disputes and hotspot issues and greater international and regional cooperation over security. China’s development is peaceful in nature, and it will not harm or threaten anyone. China does not seek hegemony now, nor will it do so in the future. |
我们始终不渝地奉行互利共赢的开放战略。我们始终不渝地致力于建设和谐世界。和谐世界的目标是持久和平、共同繁荣。为此,各国应遵循《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,恪守国际法和工人的国际关系准则,在国际关系中弘扬民族、和睦、协作、共赢精神。 |
We are committed to pursuing a win-win strategy of opening-up. We are also committed to building a harmonious world. The defining characteristics of a harmonious world are enduring peace and common prosperity. To build such a world, all countries should uphold the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, abide by international law and universally recognized norms governing international relations, and embrace a spirit of democracy, harmony, collaboration and win-win progress in international relations. |
III. Practice.
1. 不断调整 in constant adjustment of
China is in constant readjustment ofindustrial structure.
2. 最流行的字眼 the most popular word
Capricioushas become the most popular word this year.
3. 从…向…转轨过程中 in the process of changing from …to…
City institute is in the process ofchanging from third degree college to skill-oriented college.
建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制 establish and improve a socialist market economy
6. 人口老龄化 the aging of the population
The issue of the aging of population hasbeen often mentioned in developed countries.
7. 所占比例降低 the proportion of… is declining
The proportion of the big industrialcompany in GDP is declining.
健康发展sound development
If these issues are not properly addressed,they will cause great harm to people, society and mankind, and even hinder thesound development of science and technology.
12. 服务性行业 the service sector
We should devote more efforts to developingthe service sector.
13. 高技术劳动力 skilled workers
Highly skilled workers are badly needed inChinese job market.
14. 需求不断增长 the increasing demand for
There is an increasing demand for energyand natural resources in countries.
15. 国内外 at home and abroad
It is crucial that government should takeaction to create a favorable environment for investors at home and abroad.
16. 日益加剧的竞争 the intensifyingcompetition
The graduates are confronting theintensifying competition.
17. 构成严重的威胁 pose a grave threat to
As our national economy develops rapidly,an increasing number of people have come to realize that the shortage ofresources will pose a grave threat to the future.
19. 独生子女家庭 one-child-family
Many one-child families are considering theimpact of “the second child” policy.
21. 传统社会价值观 traditional socialvalues
Chinese traditional social values requirethat women be loyal, faithful and modestly dressed.
22. 拜金主义 money worship
The program has aroused heated discussionabout money worship among China’s younger generation.
23. 传统美德 traditional virtue
Integrity is the traditional virtue ofChinese people.
29. 贫困地区 economically underdevelopedareas/in the impoverished areas
Some students from economicallyunderdeveloped areas/in the impoverished areas cannot afford the high cost ofeducation.
31. 小康社会 a moderately developedsociety
A moderately developed society/a well-offsociety would not only solve the clothing and food problems, but also push thestandard of living to a higher level, culturally and intellectually.
32. 实施科教兴国战略implement/implementation of the strategy of developing the country throughscience and education
32. 优先发展教育 give priority to thedevelopment of education
China will continue to give priority to thedevelopment of education, bring about development of the quality of population,and promote economic development on the basis of improving the quality of humancapital.
33. 终身学习型 lifelong education
Teachers are supposed to enhance students’independence and help them become lifelong learners.
42. 建立相应的机制 set up correspondingmechanisms
Government should set up corresponding mechanismsto prevent corruption from arising.
43. 大力弘扬 greatly encourage thespirit of
We will increase contact betweenindividuals, expand exchanges among all sectors of society, greatly encouragethe spirit of Chinese culture and consolidate the common cultural bonds betweenthe two sides of Taiwan Strait.
50. 经济日趋一体化 in the economic globalization
51. 迎接挑战,拥抱机遇,承担责任 meet challenges,embrace opportunities, shoulder responsibilities
IV. Homework: Preview 11-2
Unit11—2 Communication Patterns
1. Grasp the usage of expressions
2. Appreciate interpreting skills
3. Work on a piece of exercise
二、学时安排(2 hours)
1. Text A: 1 hour
2. Exercise: 1 hour
人们聚在一起,无论做什么总离不开说话。我们生活在语言的世界里我们对家人说话,对亲属说话,对朋友说话,对同事说话,我们还对陌生人说话。我们面对面地说话,我们在电话里说话,我们回答问题是还有说话。电视机和收音机在言语的还有里骑着推波助澜的作用。除了睡觉之外,我们甚少又不说话的时候,我们甚至在睡梦中也会说话。有些人在睡眠中会大声说话。我们还会自言自语,又使对宠物说话,有时则对自己说话。我们是这个星球上唯一能说话的动物。 |
Whatever else people do when they come together, they talk. We live in world of language. We talk to our family members, our relatives, our friends, our colleagues and total strangers. We talk face to face and over the telephone, and respond with more talk. Television and radio further swell this torrent of words. Hardly a moment of our waking lives is free from words, and even in our dreams we talk. Some of us talk aloud in our sleep. We also talk when there is no one to answer. Sometimes we talk to our pets and sometimes to ourselves. We are the only animals on the planet of Earth that talk. |
拥有语言,确切说是拥有创造性的语言,交织任何其他属性更能讲人了同其他动物区别开来。要理解人就必须理解那种使我们成为人的语言。 |
The possession of language, or rather, the language with a creative aspect, more than any other attribute, distinguishes humans from other animals. To understand our humanity we must understand the language that makes us human. |
懂一种语言是你可以说这样语言,你说的话也可以被其他懂这种语言的人听懂。这意味着你能够发出表示某种概念或意义的声音,嫩狗狗听懂或解释其他发出的声音。因此,懂得一种语言不仅只了解这种语言包含了那些语音,还指了解语音与意义的关系。 |
When we know a language, you can speak and be understood by others who know that language. This means you have the capacity to produce sounds that signify certain concepts or meaning and to understand or interpret the sounds produced by others. Therefore, knowing a language does not only mean knowing what sounds are in that language, but also means knowing how to relate sounds and meanings. |
III. Practice.
14.我很高兴应邀与各位交流下…I’m very happy tobe invited and talk about我很高兴应邀与各位交流下全球金融危机以及如何应对这一话题。I’m very happy to be invited and talk about the worldwide financialcrisis and copying strategies.
15.交际模式 communication patterns首先我们先看一下每个交际模式的特点。First we will have alook at the specific characteristics of each available communication pattern
16.我的报告将基于…I will give mypresentation based on 我今天的报告将基于去年的销售业绩增长率。I will give my presentation based on the growth rate of sales inprevious year.
17.交际规范 communicative norm 抛开社会文化差异来谈交际规范是不合理的。 It isabsurd to talk about communicative norm without considering socio-culturedifferences.
18.对…看起来很自然的 What may seem natural to 有些在本族人看来很自然的话语却被外族人视为很荒诞,甚至引起误解。Whatmay seem natural to one person may be odd or misunderstood by someone outsidetheir culture.
19.间接话语indirect speech把下列句中的直接引语改成间接引语.Change the direct speech ofthe following sentence into the indirect speech.
20.在特定情境下in a particular context 在特定的情境下,一些话语可能有了新的意思。In aparticular context, some words may have a new meaning.
21.优越、强势地位 superior status 在中国,有钱有权的人被认为是具有优越的社会地位。
In China, people have abundant money or absolute power may have asuperior status.
1.下属、从属subordinate少数服从多数 Minority issubordinate to majority.
IV. Homework: preview 11-4
Communicative competence has been one of the great key-words of language teaching for many years. It still is. In recent years, there has been a certain amount of controversy as to what the concept actually comprises, and whether all that pupils have to learn to do is talk. 交流能力多年来是语言教学最重要的一个词.现在仍然是.最近,有些驳论对于交流能力这个概念,是否小学生需要掌握. |
Communication is not just a matter of language. When we speak, our speech is accompanied to a greater or lesser extent by so-called non-verbal communication: gestures, facial expressions, distance, body attitudes, sighs, etc. We furthermore transmit many signals about ourselves, via our clothing, hairstyle, etc. So communicative competence is extremely comprehensive and complex. 交流不仅是语言,当我们讲话时,经常伴随或多或少所谓的非言语交流:姿势,面部表情,讲话距离,身体姿势和叹气等等.而且我们传递这些信号,通过我们的服饰,发型等等.所以交流能力非常全面复杂. |
The verbal part of communicative competence comprises all the so-called four skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing. It is important to emphasize this, since there is a very common misunderstanding that communicative competence only refers to the ability to speak. Communicative competence is both productive and receptive. 交流能力中的言语能力部分由四个部分组成:听说读写.我们重点强调它们,因为人们通常的误解是交流能力只指说的能力.交流能力既能产出也能接受. |
All of us have developed communicative competence in our native language, oral proficiency and later, possibly, written proficiency. The acquisition of communicative competence in a foreign or second language therefore takes place on the basis of the fact that we already have a native language. So we are dealing with the development of two systems that interact. 我们都在发展我们母语的交流能力,口头熟练度,也会是后来发作的写作能力.因此,一门外语或第二语言的交流能力的习得以我们已经掌握的母语为基础。所以我们要处理两个体系的相互影响的发展。 |
When one speaks of communicative competence, one is thinking of the individual: we are dealing with a competence that an individual has or is in the process of developing. In actual fact, one could talk of communicative competence at higher levels: the communicative competence of the group, the institution, the company, the state. After all, much of communication in society takes place between such non-individual social players - and these players can be said to make use of a communicative competence that is not the same as the sum of the competences which the individuals involved possess.. 当谈及交流能力,我们想到的是个人,我们要解决一个人具备的能力或发展过程中的能力。事实上,我们要从更高层次上研究交流能力:群体的交流能力,学校,公司,国家。毕竟,社会中的大部分交流发生在非个人社会属性的人身上,这些人据说能利用交流能力,此能力不同于人们具备的多种能力的总合。 |
Over the years, the concept communicative competence has become more and more full-blown, as linguistic research has glimpsed more and more aspects of communication by language. Today, communicative competence no longer describes just a particular proficiency or skill, even though the word competence invites such a narrow interpretation. Communicative competence also covers conditions that affect the communication and facilitate international communication. 过去的数年,交流能力这个概念变得越来越模糊,语言学的研究粗略地通过语言研究交流的各个方面。如今,交流能力不再描述为一种特殊的能力或技能,即使语言文字能力也指狭义的翻译。交流能力也包含影响交流促进跨文化交流的各种条件。 |
Unit11—4 The Stock Market
1. Grasp the usage of expressions
2. Appreciate interpreting skills
3. Work on a piece of exercise
二、学时安排(2 hours)
1. Text A: 1 hour
2. Exercise: 1 hour
Stock market in the US began in New York City in 1792. The New York Stock Exchange is the oldest financial market in the US, and the largest stock market in the world. 美国的股票交易所与1792年诞生于纽约。纽约股票交易所是美国最古老的金融市场,也是世界上最大的股票市场。 |
The stocks of more than 3,000 American and international companies are traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Together the stock represents about 80% of the value of all publicly owned companies in America 3000多家美国公司和跨国公司的股票在纽约股票交易所交易,总股票越战全美上市公司总市值的80%。 . |
Stock brokers and dealers have been an important part of the traditional stock trading system. These financial experts are paid for their knowledge of financial markets and business. But, the internet has made it easy for the general public to get information about companies and stocks. Many people now choose to control how their money is invested. 股票经纪人和交易商是传统的股票交易系统的一个重要组成部分。这些金融专家凭借其金融市场知识和商务专业知识的应用而去的报酬。但是,因特网的出现时普通老百姓也能获得有关公司的信息和公司股票的信息。 |
About 60 years ago, only 5% of Americans owned stock. They were usually very rich people trading shares with each. Today, more than 50% of Americans have stock holdings. And, more than 80% of all stock trades take place over the Internet. 大约60年前,只有5%的美国人拥有股票,他们通常是一些很富有的人,相互之间竞相股票交易。时至今日,50%以上的美国人已持有股票,80%以上的股票是在因特网上交易的。 |
The expression used to describe such a period when the prices of most stocks are increasing is a “bull market”. A “bear market” is when most stock prices are falling as investors sell stocks 股市术语“牛市”用以表明大多数股票的价格处于上涨期,而“熊市”则表明投资者纷纷抛售股票致使大多数股票的价格进入下跌期。. |
Usually, investors in the US have bought stocks they expected to keep for many years. Over the long-term, the stock market has always increased. Short-term price decreases only affect people who sell stocks at prices lower than they paid for them. That is why during bull markets, experts tell investors to keep their stocks rather than to sell. 通常,在美国的投资者购买他们期望多年持有的股票。股票的长期航期总是上涨的。短期的价格下跌只会影响那些一滴雨买入价抛售股票的人。那就是为什么行情处于“牛市”期时,专家会劝告投资者们坚持持股,不要抛售股票。 |
Recently, however, short-term trading has become more popular, especially the one called day trading. Day traders seek to earn money from the daily changes in the price of a stock. Day trading is an extremely risky form of investing. It is possible to gain a large amount of money very quickly by day trading. Most day traders, however, lose money. 然而,尽量短期交易变得越来越普遍,尤其是一种叫做日炒股交易的方式越来越流行。日炒股者希望从股票价格每日变化的股市中赢利。日炒股交易是一种风险极大的投资方式,当日交易有可能会快速赚大钱,但是发部分日炒股者都是赔钱的。 |
The performance of the stock market is measured by stock indexes. The Dow Jones Industrial Average follows the share prices of thirty leading industrial companies in the US. The NASDAQ Composite Index is also a major stock index. 股票市场的行情是以股票指数来衡量的。道琼斯工业平局指数追踪美国三十家主要产业公司的股价行情。纳斯达克综合指数也是一个主要的股票指数。 |
People usually have invested in companies that have strong earnings and a large share in their business market. But over the last few years, stocks and companies that promise future growth have had the greatest demand. 人么通常投资于那些具有较强赢利能力而且占有很大市场份额的公司。而近年来,需求量最大的股票则是那些未来业绩看好的公司的长线股票。 |
In a few years, investors should be able to trade stocks twenty-four hours a day. Seven days a week. And, in the future, financial markets around the world are expected to be linked. We just have to be little bit more patient. 几年后,投资者将可能一周7天,一天24小时的全天候进行股票交易。而且,未来全球金融市场都将联网交易。让我们耐心地等候一段时间吧。 |
Bank of China has established branches inLondon, Hong Kong, Macao, Singapore,
Luxembourg, New York, Amman, Sidney, Tokyoand Paris. There is a representative office in Frankfurt and a Bank of ChinaGroup formed by more than 10 financial organizations in Hong Kong and Macao.
Bank of China values the “window” and“bridge” function of overseas organizations. It conducts various consultanciesthrough these overseas organizations and help foreign clients invest in China,transfer technology and discuss trade.
Bank of China has a long history, renownedreputation, solid foundation and talented : j personnel in various fields. Inthe past, Bank of China has had fruitful cooperation with foreign financial andindustrial circles.
It will continue to expand the scale ofcooperation with its foreign counterparts and friends in industrial andbusiness circles and will further the development of the utilization of foreigncapital and Sino-foreign economic cooperation.
III Practice
IV. Homework: Preview 12-2
Unit12—2 On Cultural Clashes
1. Grasp the usage of expressions
2. Appreciate interpreting skills
3. Work on a piece of exercise
二、学时安排(2 hours)
1. Text A: 1 hour
2. Exercise: 1 hour
Cultural taboos
As a result of the different cultures andhabits, local manners and mores in different parts of the world, there are amultitude of cultural traps which may mar your travels around the world. Anythingfrom greeting to eating, from conversation to table-manners can be a source ofgaffes, not only embarrassing yourself, but also offending your hosts. Touristsabroad should try to avoid the following cultural traps.
Touching people
Body-space varies in different places. InMediterranean countries, if you don’t touch people on the arm when talking tothem, or don’t hug and kiss people when you greet them, they regard you ascold-hearted. But in South Korea if you pat someone on the back they will feelupset, unless you are a member of their family or a good friend. In Thailand,the head is a sacred part of the body, so you must not pat someone on theirhead, not even a child.
Talking at mealtimes
In Japan or certain African countries,mealtimes are all about eating. So, when other people are concentrating oneating, you should not talk about what has happened to you that day. Likewise,you should refrain from talking in a holy place or where others are deep in thought---ina church in Europe, a temple in Thailand or sauna in Finland.
Removing your shoes
In London, if you remove your shoes onarriving at a party, the hostess will think you are uncivilized. However, whenyou visit a family in Asia, Hawaii or the Pacific Islands, keeping shoes on isdeemed discourteous; taking off shoes not only keeps dirt out of the house, butis thought of as leaving the outside world behind.
In a word, once you set foot in a strangeland, you should be sensitive to local manners and mores. Don’t create a fussover everything, stay cool and collected even in face of seemingly rudebehavior like jumping the queue. After all, we live in a global village, anddifferent cultures are part of our common homeland.
III. Practice:
1. 感谢您给我机会在…会上以… 为题进行发言 thank you for giving me the opportunity tospeak at this meeting on the topic of感谢王先生给我机会在今天的例会上以如何增收节支为题进行发言。Thank Mr. Wang for giving me the opportunity to speak atthis routine meeting on the topic of how to increase revenue and reduceexpenditure.
2.文化冲突/融合the clash and fusion of cultures 在中西方文化既冲突又融合的条件下,如何应对挑战利用机会发展我们的科学和技术是个重要的课题。Under the condition of the clash and fusion ofChinese and western cultures how to address challenge and take advantage ofopportunity to develop our science and technology is a very important topic.
4.建立在…之上的 be based on 在爱伊斯坦相对论的基础上,很多科学家提出了令人瞠目结舌的新理论。Based upon the relativity of Einstein, many scientists havecome up with new astonishing theories
7.源于: result from 当今世界上的政治和经济格局都是来源于二次世界大战。The present political and economic patterns inthe world have been resulted from WWII.
8.焦点集中在: to center on 中央政府决定下一步的工作重点集中在关系民生的几个问题上。The central government has decided to center on severalissues concerning the people’s livelihood in the near future
9.宗教和信仰: religion and belief 不论你持有什么宗教和信仰,只要你拥护国家统一,你就是爱国者。No matter what religion or belief you believe in, only ifyou support unity of the nation, you are a patriot.
10.意识形态的不同: difference in ideology 虽然中美两国在意识形态上有所不同,但两国人民有一个共同的愿望那就是和平和发展。The people from two nations have common wish, which ispeace and development.
16.与…形成对抗: to form confrontation between。二十世纪70年代,资本主义阵营和社会主义阵营形成对抗。In 1970s, capitalist camps and socialist campsformed confrontation between each other.
17.对…深感不安: be very concerned with 我对于这次我们公司与索尼公司的关于共同投资在大连建设大型游乐场的谈判深感不安。I am much concerned with the negotiation between ourcompany and Sony Company about the co-investment in Dalian to establish thelarge Disney land.
19.经济持续增长 the sustained economic rise 中国近年来经济持续增长使世界震惊。China’sincessant economic increase in recent years has shocked the world.
20.对…的一种与日俱增的困惑感: growing confusion about sth。我对于这个病人与日俱增的对死亡的困惑感深表同情。I have compassion on the patient’s growing confusion aboutdeath.
21.对…缺乏信心: lack of confidence about 如果你对于结果缺乏自信,你就永远都不会成功。If you lack confidence about the result, you will never succeed.
26.将…夸大其词为…:to magnify A into B Tom likes to magnify his littlesuccess into a great achievement.
27.效仿: to emulate The proverb tells us to emulate the industry of the ant.
28.某人觉悟起来: awakening recognition of sb 五四运动使很多人觉醒起来。May the fourth movement awakened recognition of a lot ofpeople.
29.文化认同感: cultural identity 由于地理位置的原因,中国和日本,韩国很容易有文化认同感。Due to geographic location, China, Japan and Korea are easyto develop cultural identity.
32.代表…的诞生:to represent the emergence of 这个合同的签订代表着我们两家公司合作的新时代的来临。The signature of the contract represents theemergence of the new era of our two company’s co-operation
33.集…的优点之大成:to incorporate the strengths of 我们研制的这台机器集以往同类设备的优点之大成。The machine we have developed has incorporatedthe strengths of the equipment of same kind.
43.消除恶疾: offset many vices 法律工作者的主要任务就是消除社会恶疾。Themain task for law workers is to offset many vices.
44.泾渭分明的东西方世界:the clear-cut worlds of the west and the east
45.相互冲突: clash with each other 不仅不同宗教之间,同一宗教不同派别之间也相互冲突。Clash with each other exits not only between differentreligions but also between different denominations belonging to onereligion.
46.友好合作、平等互补的关系: friendly cooperation, equality and mutualcomplementarity.
47.和睦共处:to live in harmony 人们总是有一种美好的愿望,希望世界人民能永远和睦共处。People always have a noble wish, hoping the human beingswould live in harmony forever.
Can People Livein Harmony with Nature? Man and nature are interactive (相互作用的) forces. Looking backalong the river of history, we may find that harmony used to exist betweenpeople and nature. At that time nature was pure field to be ploughed, sownand harvested. Man respected nature and was one part of nature.
It seems thatpeople today are masters of nature. Nature is torn into pieces. While we aredisrupting(破坏) theorder of the natural world, we are the ultimate victims, for nature is seekingits revenge(报复).Disappearing forests, drying rivers, polluted soil and worsening climate havepunished greedy human beings. We have taken too much from nature, and givenback too little.
Looking forward to the future, when we gain reasoning, when we remember thedeep interdependent relationship between people and nature, whencitizens of the world work persistently to protect nature, then nature will beour friend instead of our slave or servant. Sure, people can live in harmonywith nature, with commitment, hard work and new technology.